For so many reasons Cairo Foster is one of our favorites (duh) and his ‘Hammerhead’ graphic by Todd Francis is also one of our favorite boards he had over the years with us. We recently took a trip down memory lane with Cairo up in Portland and we asked what he thought about a re-issue. Being the amazing person he is, he suggested we turn it into an Actions REALized with a portion of the proceeds going direct to The Ben Raemers Foundation. Yes, of course!
We also remixed the concept for a new version for Chima Ferguson, one of Cairo's favorites.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this Actions REALized board will go direct to The Ben Raemers Foundation to continue their work for suicide prevention and mental health advocacy in skateboarding and beyond.
Learn more at and follow The Ben Raemers Foundation on Instagram.
Boards are available at or shipping to local skate shops now.
Thank you.
Cairo recently sat down via zoom with Matt Barr on the Looking Sideways Podcast to chat about his history of riding for REAL, the Actions REALized reissue and why he wanted to proceeds to go to The Ben Raemers Foundation. (A warning for listeners, the topics of mental health and suicide are discussed in this episode)
And for anyone just wanting to rewatch Cairo's classic REAL to Reel part to get excited to skate today, we've got that too!
Video and editing by Jeremy McNamara. Archival footage courtesy of Ryan Grey and The Ben Raemers Foundation.

Resource list courtesy of The Ben Raemers Foundation. Click on your country to find information about mental health support services.
Hotline: 0021 3983 2000 58
Centro de Valorizacion de la Vida Samaritanos
Hotline: 054 022 3493 0430
Hotline E-mail:
Centro de Atencíon al Familiar del Suicida
Hotline: (054-011) 4758 2554
CAS Buenos Aires
Hotline: 135
S.O.S. Un Amigo Anonimo
Hotline: (054 011) 4783 8888
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Hotline: 902 500 002
Programa de Prevención, Atención y Posvención del Suicidio
Hotline: (054 011) 4664 1936
Trust Social Work and Sociological Research Centre
Hotline: (2) 538194 / (2) 538197
The Samaritans, Subiaco
Hotline: 08 9381 5555
Youth Hotline: 08 9388 2500
Toll free number: 1800 198 313
Kids Helpline
Hotline: 1800 55 1800
Suicide Call Back Service
Hotline: 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia
Hotline: 1300 78 99 78
Lifelink Samaritans
Hotline: 03 63 31 3355
Samaritans of Albany, WA
Hotline: 08 98 422776
Lifeline Australia
Hotline: 13 11 14
SuicideLine Victoria
Hotline: 1300 651 251
SANE Helpline
Helpline: 1800 187 263
Rat auf Draht
Hotline: 147
Telefon Seelsorge
Hotline: 142
Hotline: 01713 3374
The Crisis Centre
Hotline: 328-0922, 322-4999
National Hotline
Helpline: 322-2763
Helpline: 0097 161 199 188
Helpline: 0097 161 199 260
Helpline: 0097 161 199 191
Helpline: 0097 161 199 334
Helpline (Grameenphone): 01779554391, 01779554392
Helpline (Airtel): 01688709965, 01688709966
Helpline (Banglalink): 01985275286
Helpline (Robi): 01852035634
Samaritans of Barbados
Helpline: (246) 4299999
Helpline: 106
Le Centre de Prévention du Suicide
Helpline: 0800 32 123
Youth Helpline : 102
Vlaams Expertisecentrum Suïcidepreventie
Helpline: 1813
Telefono de la Esperanza
Hotline (Cochabamba) : (00 591 4) 4 25 42 42
Hotline Email:
Hotline (La Paz) : 75288084
Hotline Email:
Helpline: 3911270
CVV Sao Paulo – National Association
Hotline: 55 11 31514109
Hotline: (16) 636 4111
Hotline: (91) 3223-0074
Hotline: (71) 244 6936
Hotline: (31) 334-4111
Hotline: (93) 522-0050
Hotline: (65) 321 4111
Hotline: (11) 4972 4111
Hotline: (41) 342 4111
Hotline: (13) 234 4111
Hotline: (85) 3465-1010
Hotline: (11) 448 4111
Hotline: (62) 223 4041
Hotline: (11) 744 4111
Hotline: (83) 241 4111
Hotline: (16) 272 4111
Hotline: (84) 3 221 4111
Hotline: (21) 2604-4332
Hotline: (51) 224 6111
Hotline: (17) 233 4111
Hotline: (21) 233 9191
Hotline: (12) 321 4111
Hotline: (21) 236 0536
Hotline: (41) 3381-5986
Hotline: (27) 223 4111
Hotline: (11) 247 4111
Hotline: (19) 460 4111
Hotline: (11) 5754111
Hotline: (16) 236 4111
Hotline: (11) 6197-4111
Hotline: (31) 444 1818
Hotline: (11) 577 4111
Hotline: 47 329 4111
Hotline: (11) 825 4111
Hotline: (61) 326 4111
Hotline: (11) 3242-4111
Hotline: (83) 321-4441
Hotline: (11) 883 4111
Hotline: (19) 272-7777
Hotline: (15) 232 4111
Hotline: (67) 383 4112
Hotline: (12) 233-4111
Hotline: (48) 422 4111
Hotline: (21) 2208-9898
Hotline: (16) 3721-4111
Hotline: (34) 3317-4111
Hotline: (11) 6440-4111
Hotline: (34) 3212-7583
Hotline: (19) 451 4111
Hotline: (24) 3343-7666
Hotline: (11) 7782 4111
Hotline: (13) 3467 4111
Hotline: (21) 2613-4141
Hotline: (43) 3356-411
Hotline: (51) 3065-4111
Hotline: (081) 3231-4141
Hotline: (19) 422 4111
Hotline: (81) 3421-7311
Hotline: (24) 3360-9685
AMA – Porto Alegre
Hotline: +55 51 211 2888
Hotline: (055) 222 6811
Hotline: 188
Sofia Hotline
Hotline: 0035 9249 17 223
Hotline : 981 76 86
Hotline: 958 50 00
Hotline: 073 177
Hotline: 936 24 44
Hotline: 946 11 56
Distress Centres Ontario
Hotline: +1 (905) 688 3711
Hotline: 905 734 1212 / 905 382 0689
Hotline: +1 (905) 459 7777
Hotline: 1 800 465 4442
Hotline: +1 (905) 433 1121
Hotline: +1 (416) 247 5426
Hotline: 1 888 371 8485
Hotline: +1 (416) 636 9610
Hotline: +1 (905) 525 8611
Hotline: +1 (519) 667-6711
Hotline: +1 (905) 877-1211
Hotline: +1 (905) 849 4541
Hotline: +1 (613) 238 3311
Hotline: +1 (613) 741 6433
Hotline: 1 800 567 9699
Hotline: +1 (905) 278 7208
Hotline: +1 (519) 336 3000
Hotline: +1 (416) 408 4357
Hotline: +1 (519) 745 1166
Hotline: +1 (519) 821 3760
Hotline: +1 (519) 256-5000
Hotline: +1 (613) 544 1771
Crisis Services Canada
Hotline: 1.833.456.4566
Text: 45645
Suicide Action Montreal
Hotline: (514) 723 4000
Kids Help Phone
Hotline: 1-800-668-6868
Text Line: 86868
Chimo Helpline Inc.
Hotline: Fredericton Area: 450-HELP (4357)
Hotline: Toll free provincial helpline: 1-800-667-5005
Hotline: 1 800 263 2266
Text Line: 514 600 1002
Centre de prévention du suicide d’Abitibi-Ouest
Hotline: 1 866 APPELLE (277 3553)
Distress Line of Southwestern Alberta (Canada)
Hotline: 403 327 7905
KUU-US Crisis Line Society
Crisis Line (Adult/Elder): 250-723-4050
Crisis Line (Child/Youth): 250-723-2040
Trans Lifeline
Hotline: (877) 565-8860
Greater Vancouver
Hotline: 604-872-3311
Howe Sound & Sunshine Coast
Hotline: 1-866-661-3311
Hotline: 1-866-872-0113
The Seniors’ Distress Line
Hotline: 604-872-1234
Mental Health Support
Hotline: 310-6789
Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Hotline: (00 56 42) 22 12 00
Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center Hotline
Hotline: Free: 0800-810-1117
Hotline: Mobile/IP/extension users: 010-8295-1332
Hotline: 400 821 1215
Lifeline Yanji
Hotline: (0433) 273 9595
Telefono de la Esperanza
Hotline (Barranquilla): (00 57 5) 372 27 27
Hotline Email:
Hotline (Bogota): (57-1) 323 24 25
Hotline Email:
Hotline (Medellin): (00 57 4) 284 66 00
Hotline Email:
Hotline (San Juan de Pasto): 3016326701
Hotline Email:
Hotline: 506-253-5439
Plavi Telefon
Hotline: (01) 4833-888
Hotline: 532 348 14 49
Cyprus Samaritans
Hotline: +357 77 77 72 67
Hotline: 0809 1122 / Military 2345
E-mail Helpline:
Modrá Linka
Hotline: +420 549241010
Hotline/WhatsApp: +420 608902401
Linka bezpečí
Hotline: 116 111
Pražská linka důvěry
Hotline: 222 580 697
Linka důvěry Ostrava
Hotline: 596 618 908
Hotline: 737 267 939
Linka duševní tísně Most
Hotline: 476 701 444
Skype: ldt.most
Linka důvěry DKC
Hotline: 241 484 149
Skype: ld_dkc
Linka bezpečí
Hotline: 116111 (děti a mládež)
Prague Hotline: 004 202 460 80 718
Hotline: +45 70 201 201
Hotline (Int): nil
Hotline: 333 (Emergency)
Telefono De La Esperanza
Hotline: 593 2 6000 477
Hotline: (593) 2 2923327
Hotline Email:
Befrienders Cairo
Hotline: 762 1602/3
Hotline: 762 2381
E-mail Helpline:
Hotline: 911 / 132 (Emergency)
Eluliin (Estonian Lifeline)
Hotline: +372 6558088
E-mail Helpline:
Hotline: 126
Hotline: 127
Hotline: 911 (Emergency)
Ba Methodist Lifeline Counselling Service
Hotline: (0679) 670565
Wesley Church Counselling Services (Lifeline)
Hotline: (0679) 302998
Itsemurhien ehkäisykeskus, SOS – palvelu
Hotline: 09-731391
Hotline: 040-5032199
Suomen Mielenterveysseura
Hotline: 01019 5202
SOS Help
Hotline: 01 46 21 46 46
S.O.S Amitié
Hotline: 09 72 39 40 50
Suicide Ecoute
Hotline: 01 45 39 40 00
E.P.E. idF. Fil Sante Jeunes
Hotline: 0800 235 236
Fédération S.O.S Amitié France
Hotline: (+33) (0)1 40 09 15 22
Hotline 117 / 116 (Emergency)
British Armed Forces Link (Germany)
Hotline: 0800 181 0771 (to Samaritans)
Hotline: 0800 181 0772 (to Samaritans)
International Helpline Berlin
Hotline: 030-44 01 06 07
Hotline: Russian service: 030-44 01 06 06
Telefonseelsorge Deutschland
Hotline: 0800 1110 111
Hotline: 0800 1110 222
Nummer gegen Kummer
Hottline (adults): 0800 111 0 550
Hotline (children): 0800 111 0 333
Hotline: 2332 444 71279
Hotline: 233 244 846 701 (24/7 hotline)
Klimaka NGO
Hotline: 1018
Hotline: 911 (Emergency)
Hotline: 122 (Emergency)
Hotline: 122 (Emergency)
Guyana Inter-agency Suicide Prevention Hotline
Telephone numbers (+592) 223-0001, 223-0009, 600-7896, 623-4444
BBM PINS: 2BE55649, 2BE56020
Twitter: guyanaagency, WhatsApp: +592-600-7896, 592- 623-4444
FaceBook: Guyana Interagency Suicide Prevention Help Line
Hotline: 114 / 116 (Emergency)
Telefono De La Esperanza
-San Pedro Sula
Hotline: (00 504) 2558 08 08
Hotline: 2232-1314 (Of. 2232-2707)
Hotline: 504-237-3623
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong
Hotline: 2389 2222
The Samaritans Hong Kong
Hotline: 2896 0000
T.E.S. Miskolc
Hotline: (46) 323 888
SOS Telefon Lelkisegely Alapitvany
Hotline: (62) 420 111
E-mail Helpline:
Magyar Lelki Elsősegély Telefonszolgálatok Szövetségével
Hotline: 116 123
Kek Vonal
Hotline: 116-111
Hotline: 1717
Lifeline Foundation
Hotline: +91 33 2474 4704
Hotline: +91 33 2474 5886
Hotline: 2474 5255
104 Arogya Sahayavani
Hotline: 78 9307 8930
Helpline: 9880396331
Helpline: 080 – 25497777
Jeevan Aastha
Hotline: 1800 233 3330
Kashmir Lifeline
1 800 180 7020
Fortis Healthcare Helpline (open 24hrs a day)
Hotline: +91 83 7680 4102
Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline
Helpline 1: 080-40503700 (10am – 1pm)
Helpline 2: 080 23655557 (2pm – 5pm)
Hotline: 91-9820466726
Hotline Email:
Hotline: 022-25521111
Hotline: 08322252525 (Mon-Fri 1pm-7pm)
Hotline: +91-413-339999
Hotline: 040 – 6620 2000
Hotline: 040 – 6620 2001
Helpline: +91 7676 602 602
(Mon-Fri 4pm-10pm)
Samaritans Mumbai
Hotline: +91 84229 84528
Hotline: +91 84229 84529
Hotline: +91 84229 84530
Makro Foundation (MAFO)
Hotline: 040-46004600 (Mon-Fri 10am-7pm)
Hotline: +91 79 2630 5544
Hotline: +91 79 2630 0222
Hotline: +91 (0) 44 2464 0050
E-mail Helpline:
Helpline: 022-25385447
(9am-9pm Mon-Sat & 9am-1pm Sun)
Vandrevala Foundation
Helpline: +91 730 459 9836
Helpline: +91 730 459 9837
Hotline: 2338 9090
MAITHRI – Cochin
Hotline: +91 239 6272
E-mail Helpline:
Hotline: 500-454
Government Hotline: 119
Saveyourselves .id
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 813 14988214 (Alif)
+62 812 87877479 (Bibi)
+62 812 90704035 (Bondhan)
+62 822 46514726 (Novia)
+62 812 85651224 (Sabillah)
Jawa Barat
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 822 46033788 (Ana)
+62 813 12011131 (Ilyas)
+62 813 88818145 (Marsha)
+62 821 37453862 (Tika)
Jawa Timur
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 813 33512967 (Rosa)
+62 813 36388728 (Vini)
+62 812 26436448 (Michael)
+62 822 32048659 (Maria)
+62 821 39237856 (Liyah)
Jawa Tengah
Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 812 216388199 (Dias)
+62 812 16388283 (Ega)
+62 812 31319448 (Lusi)
+62 812 25828826 (Dini)
+62 812 91081619 (Arin)
Hotline: 00989127181037
Hotline: 112 / 911 (Emergency)
Samaritans UK & ROI
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK – local rate)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI local rate)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)
E-mail Helpline:
Pieta House
-In Ballyfermot
Phone: 01-6235606
-In Cork
Phone: 021-4341400
-In Finglas
Phone: 01-8140774
-In Kerry
Phone: 066-7163660
-In Lucan
Phone: 01-6010000
-In Midwest
Phone: 061-484444
-In Roscrea
Phone: 0505-22568
-In Tallaght
Phone: 087-9368633/01-6200020
-In West
Phone: 093-25586
Samaritans Ireland
116 123
“ERAN” (-ï”øò)
Hotline: 1201
Hotline abroad: 972-9-8891333
Hotline abroad: 972-76-8844400
Samaritans – ONLUS
Hotline: 800 86 00 22
Telefono Amico Italia
Hotline: 199 284 284
Telefono Azzurro
Hotline:1-888-429-KARE (5273)
Befrienders International, Tokyo
Hotline: +81 (0) 3 5286 9090
BI Suicide Prevention Centre, Osaka
Hotline: +81 (0) 6 4395 4343
Tell Lifeline
Hotline: Counselling: 03 5774 0992
Hotline: Face to Face: 03 3498 0231
Hotline: Amman: 0096 262 508 900
0096 262 508 902
0096 262 508 903
0096 262 508 904
0096 262 508 939
0096 262 508 941
Befrienders Kenya
Hotline: 020 2051323
SMS: 00254 707 633 692, 00254 733 656 262, 00254 775 388 222
371 67222922
371 27722292
Hotline: 1564 [12 pm (noon) to 2 am]
Lifeline Liberia
Hotline: 6534308
Vaikų linija (Child line)
Hotline: 116 111
Jaunimo linija (Youth line)
Hotline: 8 800 28888
Vilties linija (Hope line)
Hotline: 116 123
Pagalbos moterims linija (Women’s line)
Hotline: 8 800 66366
Linija Doverija (Support for Russian-speaking clients)
Hotline: 8 800 77277
SOS Détresse – Hëllef iwwer Telefon
Hotline: 454545
Befrienders Malacca
Hotline: (06) 284 2500
Befrienders Penang
Hotline: (04) 281 5161
Hotline: (04) 281 1108
E-mail Helpline:
The Befrienders Kuala Lumpur
Hotline: (03) 7956 8144
Hotline: (03) 7956 8145
E-mail Helpline:
Befrienders Ipoh
Hotline: (05) 547 7933
Hotline: (05) 547 7599
Befrienders Seremban
Hotline: 06 7653588
Hotline: 06 7653589
Lifeline Association of Malaysia
Hotline: (063) 92850039
Hotline: (063) 92850279
Hotline: (063) 92850049
Appogg Supportline 179
Hotline: 179
Hotline: 112 (Emergency)
Befrienders, Mauritius
Hotline: 46 48 889
Hotline: 800 93 93
Hotline: 525-510-2550
Programa Salvemos Una Vida – 9453777
SAPTEL – 018004727835
Centre d’Etude et de Prévention du Suicide
Hotline: 022 382 42 42
Sourire de Reda (Befrienders Casablanca)
Hotline: 212 (5) 22 87 47 40
Hotline: 212 (6) 62 58 95 70
113 Suicide Prevention (113 Zelfmoordpreventie)
Hotline: 0900-0113
De Kindertelefoon
Hotline: 0800-0432 (11am-9pm)
Hotline: 1737
National Depression Initiative
Hotline: 0800 111 757
SMS: 4202
Lifeline Aotearoa
Hotline: 0800 LIFELINE (543 354)
Textline: HELP (4357)
New Zealand Samaritans
Hotline: 0800 726 666
800 What’s Up
Hotline: 0800 WHATSUP (942 8787)
Hotline: 0800 376633
SMS: 234
Lifeline Auckland
Hotline: (09) 522 2999
Hotline: (03) 578 2333
Hotline: (06) 379 8442
Lifeline National Office
Hotline: (64) 03 353 1136
Lifeline Christchurch
Hotline: (03) 366 6743
Hotline: (03) 474 9111
Hotline: (07) 838 0719
Hotline: (03) 214 4889
Hotline: (03) 546 8899
Hotline: (06) 758 6333
Hawkes Bay
Hotline: (06) 835 3300
South Canterbury
Hotline: (03) 684 4666
Hotline: (09) 437 5055
Samaritans Hutt Valley (inc)
Hotline: (04) 586 1048
Samaritans of Manawatu Inc.
Hotline: (06) 358 2442
Rotorua Lifelink/Youthline
Hotline: (07) 348 0567
Hotline: (7) 348 0566
Hotline: (7) 348 0565
Samaritans of Tauranga
Hotline: (07) 578 1002
Samaritans of Wanganui
Hotline: (06) 345 5090
Samaritans of Wellington
Hotline: (04) 473 9739
Samaritans of Horowhenua
Hotline: (06) 368 2122
Hotline: 0800 KIDSLINE (54 37 54)
The Lowdown
Hotline: 0800 111 757
Hotline: 505-268-6171
The Joy Hub
Hotline: 0700-THE-JOY-HUB (0700-843-569-482)
Lagos Suicide Hotlines
Hotline: 08058820777
Hotline: 09030000741
Nigeria Suicide Hotline
Hotline: (234) 8062-106-493
LUTH Suicide Research and Prevention Initiative (SURPIN)
Hotline: 09080217555
Hotline: 09034400009
Hotline: 08111909909
Hotline: 07013811143
Nigeria Suicide Prevention Initiative (Private)
Hotline: 08062106493
Hotline: 08092106493
Kirkens SOS
Hotline: 22 40 00 40
Mental Helse
Helpline: 116 123
Umang Pakistan
Hotline: +92 317 4288 665
Hotline (Day time only): 675 326 0011
Telefono De La Esperanza
Hotline: 717 003 717
Hotline: 00 51 1 273 8026
Manila Lifeline Centre
Hotline: (02) 8969191
Hotline: Mobile phone: 0917 854 9191
Hotline: 804-HOPE (4673)
Hotline: 0917-558-HOPE (4673)
Hotline: 2919 (Globe & TM Subscribers)
Olsztynski Telefon Zaufania ‘Anonimowy Przyjaciel
Hotline: 52 70 000
Hotline: 52 70 988
Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje
Hotline: 116 111
Centrum Wsparcia Dla Osob W Stanie Kryzysu Psychicznego
Hotline: 800 70 2222
Voz de Apoio
Hotline: (+351) 225 50 60 70
E-mail Helpline:
Telefone SOS Palavra Amiga
Hotline: (232) 42 42 82
Linha SOS-Estudante
Hotline: (808) 200 204
Telefone da Amizade Porto
Hotline: 22 832 35 35
E-mail Helpline:
Romanian Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului)
Hotline: 0800 801 200
Samaritans (Cherepovets)
Hotline: 007 (8202) 577-577
Youth Crisis Line
Hotline: (7) 0942 224 621
Интернет-служба экстренной психологической помощи
Helpline: +7 (495)989-50-50
Hotline: 911 (Emergency)
Hotline: 452 -5433 / 458-2433
SRCE Novi Sad
Hotline: (+381) 21-6623-393
E-mail Helpline:
Linja Telefonike e Ndihmës (KOAPS)
Hotline: (044) 08080
E-mail Helpline:
SOS Telephone
Hotline: 037 23 025
Psychological Counseling Contact Center
Hotline: 920 03 33 60
Hotline: 112 / 911 (Emergency)
Linja Telefonike e Ndihmës (KOAPS)
Hotline: (044) 08080
E-mail Helpline:
SOS Telephone
Hotline: 037 23 025
Centar SRCE
Hotline: 0800 300 303
Samaritans of Singapore
Hotline: 1800- 221 4444
Tinkle Friend
Hotline: 1800 2744 788
(For primary-school-aged children)
SAF Counselling Centre
Hotline: 1800 278 0022
(For Singapore Armed Forces)
Helpline: 6336-3434
Helpline: 1800-3772-252
Linka detskej istoty Slovenského výboru UNICEF (bezplatná linka)
Hotline: 0800 – 112 112
Linka Detskej Istoty
Hotline: 116 111
Linka dôvery Nezábudka
Hotline: 0800 800 566
Društvo Zaupni telefon Samarijan
Hotline: 116 123
Childline South Africa
Hotline: 08000 55 555
Befrienders South Africa
Hotline: 051 444 5691
E-mail Helpline:
Befrienders Botshabelo
Hotline: + 27 (0) 51 532 1100
Befrienders Setshabelo
Hotline: 051 430 3555
Befrienders Kwa Nobuhle
Hotline: +27 (0) 41 977 3003
Befrienders Mitchell’s Plain
Hotline: +27 (0) 21 371 1481
Befrienders Uitenhage
Hotline: +27 (0) 41 922 0068
Befrienders Umkomaas
Hotline: +27 (0) 39 979 5741
Befrienders Bloemfontein
Hotline: 051 444 5000
E-mail Helpline:
Lifeline Southern Africa
Hotline: 0861 322 322
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
Hotline: 0800 567 567
SMS: 31393
Helpline: 0860 688 688
Love-Line (Sarang – Jonwha) Counselling Centre
Hotline: (2) 715 8600
Hotline: (2) 716 8600
Hotline: (2) 717 8600
Hotline: (2) 718 8600
Hotline: (064) 52 9191
Hotline: (0441) 847-9191
Hotline: (0652) 86-9191
Hotline: (032) 421 9191
Hotline: (032) 663-9191
Hotline: (0562) 72-9191
Hotline: (0344) 915-9191
Hotline: (0525) 21-9191
Hotline: (0522) 67-9191
Hotline: (051) 807-9191
Hotline: 1566-2525
LifeLine Korea
Hotline: 1588-9191
Lifeline National Office
Hotline: (82) 51 804 0896
West Seoul Saengmyung Eui Chunhwa
Hotline: (81) 2 2649 9232/4
Hotline: (02) 916-9191
Hotline: (053) 475-9191
Hotline: (042) 254-9191
Teléfono de la Esperanza
Hotline: 902500002
Hotline: 717 003 717
Hotline: 91 459 00 55
Hotline: 900 20 20 10
Hotline: 116 111
(Telefono de ayuda a ninos y adolescentes)
Hotline: (784) 456 1044
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Bandarawela
Hotline: 011 057 2222662
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Colombo
Hotline: 011 2692 909
Hotline: 011 2 683 555
E-mail Helpline:
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Panduwasnuwara
Hotline: 037 2291718
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Kandy
Hotline: (081) 2234 806
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Matale
Hotline: 066 2223521
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Panadura
Hotline: (038) 2235291
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo – Colombo South
Hotline: 011 401 094
Hotline: 011 4 404 536
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo ‘Mel Medura’
Hotline: 011 2694665
E-mail Helpline:
Befrienders Khartoum
Hotline: (249) 11-555-253
Nagon att tala med Samaritans
Hotline: (46) 31 711 2400
Nationella Hjälplinjen
Hotline: 020 22 00 60
Hotline: 116 111
(For Children)
La Main Tendue
Hotline: 143
E-mail Helpline:
Hotline: 147
(pro juventute)
Hotline: +41 (0) 27 321 21 21
Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center
Hotline: 0800 788 995
Taiwan Lieline International
Hotline: 1995
Samaritans of Thailand
Hotline: (02) 713-6793
E-mail Helpline:
Samaritans of Chiang Mai
Hotline: (53) 225 977/8
VisionTogo (VTG)
Hotline: +228) 90 92 22 22
Lifeline Tonga
Hotline: 23000
Hotline: 25144
Hotline: (868) 645 2800 / 645 6616
Families in Action
24-Hour Hotline: 628-2333
24-Hour Hotline: 131 or 800-4321
Emergency Hotline (police): 197
Emergency Hotline: 182
Hotline: 0800 200 600 (Mon. – Fri, 8am to 7pm)
Telephone of confidence “Stavropyghion-058” Lviv
Hotline: 058
Odessa Confidence Telephone Service
Hotline: 0487 327715
Hotline: 0482 226565
Hotline: 800 46342 (For Indian Expats)
Samaritans UK & ROI
Hotline: 116123 (free call from mobile and landline)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK – local rate)
Hotline: +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92 (UK minicom)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 90 (ROI – local rate)
Hotline: 1850 60 90 91 (ROI minicom)
The Hope Project
Hotline: 0117 428 8930
(Target – men 30 to 64 yrs)
Breathing Space (Scotland)
Hotline: 0800 83 85 87
The Mix
Hotline (under 25yrs): 0808 808 4994
HOPELineUK (for under 35 yrs)
Hotline: 0800 068 41 41
SMS: 07786 209697
Hotline: 0800 1111
Hotline (National): 0800 58 58 58
Hotline (London): 0808 802 58 58
Get Connected (for under 25 yrs)
Hotline: 0808 808 4994
SMS: 80849
Hotline: 0300 304 7000
Hotline: 020 7263 7070
Rehab 4 Addiction (Addiction Helpline – open 24/7)
Hotline: 0800 140 4690
Mobile: 0345 222 3508
International: +44 345 222 3508
Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
The Trevor Project (LGBT)
Hotline: 1 866 488 7386
International Suicide Prevention
Hotline: 702 743 4340
Hotline: 919 231 4525
Hotline: 1 877 235 4525
Center For Suicide Awareness (Hopeline)
Text Line: 741741
Trans Lifeline
Hotline: (877) 565-8860
24-Hour Crisis & Substance Use Helpline
Helpline: 800-316-9241
Hotline: 210-223-SAFE (7233)
Crisis Text Line
TEXT: Text START to 741-741
Postpartum Support International
Hotline: 1-800-944-4773
New Hope Crisis Hotline
Hotline: 714-New Hope (714-639-4673)
SLO Hotline
Hotline: 800-783-0607
Hotline: 877 968 8491
Textline: teen2teen (839863)
Telefono de la Esperanza
Hotline: 0241-8433308
National Council of Samaritans
Hotline: (9) 650 00
Harare Samaritans
Hotline: (4) 726 468 – (4) 722 000
Hotline: Toll-free: 080 12 333 333
The Samaritans
Hotline: (20) 635 59